SpaceClaim-COMSOL Webinar, April 10, 2013

In our “Breaking Traditions” entry, we mentioned the real life introduction to SpaceClaim that we received from COMSOL during the 2011 COMSOL Conference. Our solid model building has consumed less of our time and allowed us to focus on better analyses ever since. As is our commitment to our customers and the entire industry, when we make a discovery like this, we want to share it. We believe CAE can drive product development by optimizing models before CAD and validating results post-CAD.


That being said, on April 10, 2013 from 2:00-2:30 PM EST, we will be hosting a SpaceClaim-COMSOL webinar in which participants can actually learn how to use SpaceClaim to prepare models for analysis, as we have been doing. For those that are COMSOL users, SpaceClaim also has a LiveLink™. This from COMSOL’s website:


“LiveLink™ for the SpaceClaim® CAD system brings you the fusion of direct-modeling and multiphysics simulation in a tightly integrated environment, enabling optimal designs and collaboration across CAD and CAE teams.”


It is our experience that this 30 minute Webinar could return so much time that your projects get done faster with less energy and costs expended resulting in a healthier bottom-line. To register for this FREE Webinar, click here. You will automatically receive the Webinar access codes to confirm your participation once you register.


And if you have already been using SpaceClaim, we would love to hear of your success stories.


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