Exporting High-Resolution Probe Data During a Parametric Sweep

Through experience, we discovered that if you want to develop an accumulated probe table, it doesn’t export the full resolution that you requested under “Updating probes.” So, in our latest Tips & Tricks video, I walk you through three steps you can take to export high-resolution probe data during a parametric sweep.

Click below to watch as I walk you through the process. To help you follow along, we have included the video transcription below.


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Exporting High-Resolution Probe Data During a Parametric Sweep Transcription

This video is going to be about exporting high-resolution probe data during a parametric sweep. This is a tip that we discovered when we realized that if you want to develop an accumulated probe table, it doesn’t export the full resolution for probes when you request ‘Time steps taken by solver’.

Basically, the process breaks down into three steps. First, making sure that under ‘Results while solving’, you have ‘Update at:’ set to ‘Time steps taken by solver’. Second step, is under the ‘Export’ feature that you generate a Table export feature and then point to the table as ‘Probe Table 1’, and then set the file name for where you want that high-resolution probe data to save to during the solution process. And then finally, right click on ‘Parametric Sweep’ under ‘Job Configurations’, go through the ‘Results’ tab click ‘Export to File’ and then point in the settings window, point the ‘Run’ menu drop down to the ‘Table 1’ export feature. You can either uncheck ‘Clear previous’ or not. I like to select ‘Add parameters to filename’ as ‘Parameter name and value’. Then, when you run the parametric sweep, you’ll get the high-resolution time steps taken by solver probe data exported in separate text files. As you can see here, 3 different text files for each parametric sweep values ranging from 1 up to 1.1 here. And it will save those files.

So, I hope this tip has been helpful to you and that’s it for now. Thank you.

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