Training – Is it Cyclical?

Training – Is it Cyclical?


Training – Defined (according to
1. The process or routine of one who trains.
2. The state of being trained.
2a.The process of bringing a person, etc, to an agreed standard of proficiency, etc, by practice and instruction
3. The education, instruction, or discipline of a person or thing that is being trained.


What’s the first word you think of when you hear the word “training”? Do you think of the process or routine of one who trains? Do you think of the process of bringing a person to an agreed standard of proficiency by practice and instruction? Do you think of the education, instruction and discipline of the person being trained?


Here at AltaSim, when we think of training we think like this: “To further the exploitation of advanced multiphysics modeling we share our expertise through focused, personal training courses at both the introductory and advanced level. Participants learn how to use COMSOL Multiphysics® to solve real world problems from scientists and engineers that use COMSOL Multiphysics® on a daily basis to solve problems and develop innovative solutions. Training is offered through personalized classroom instruction and web based instructor led classes that draw upon our decades of experience in applying COMSOL Multiphysics®.”


At a time when spending on Corporate Training is rising (or soaring according to one article found here:, we are curious to see how training in our industry impacts other industries. Since so many people in our industry spend so much time trying to create, invent, improve, develop, etc., new technologies that many other industries utilize, it makes sense that more people trained to an agreed standard of proficiency by practice and instruction could exponentially impact the overall growth rate of technologies, companies and industry segments as a whole.


This is a really fancy way of saying that we are committed to training more and more people to become more and more proficient in solving real world problems with COMSOL Multiphysics®. More highly trained experts helping more products and technologies get to market could create the kind of growth that puts more money back in the training budgets to get more highly trained experts helping more products and technologies get to market. Your thoughts?


More Blogs on Training coming soon.


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