Reasons for Training

Reasons for Training


“Training” is a big thing here at AltaSim. It is one of the ingredients that helps us grow. We like to think it is also the best way we can help our customers grow to become independent of their need for us. While we love repeat customers, we believe customers should have options for how much they depend on us. “Training” is one of those options. A click here and a click there and anyone can come up with a good list of reasons for Training. But we thought we would ask the question another way.


What happens to company growth and innovation and revenue futures if “Training” is cut and no one is growing any new skills? What happens 3 years from now if your organization has not invested in anyone, but others in your industry have?


At a time when budgets become tight and people are asked to do more with less, Training can be a big differentiators. We found various reasons for Training when we took a look online at various markets. Here are (just) five things you can expect as a result of investing in Training:

  • Improved Productivity
  • Decreased Turnover
  • Enhanced Time to market
  • Cost savings
  • Increased Morale


But the question becomes… “Are these five things enough?”


So we thought we would give you some more questions (about Training) that will help you uncover deeper, more rooted reasons for heading down this path at all.


  1. Does Training force us to become more dependent or less dependent on outside resources?
  2. Is this Training class designed to be short-term dependence or long-term dependence?
  3. Can we see ourselves making progress to more independence as a result of our Training classes?
  4. Once we have become (more) independent as a result of Training, is that the end result?
  5. Through our Training Classes, can we progress to interdependence, and if so, what does that look like?
  6. Is that really where we want to go?


Our thought is that if we can help more people grow, then they will no longer be dependent on our services unless they want to be. Instead they will be independent, which will afford them the freedom to become interdependent to call on us and partner with us whenever they see the need and have the desire to do so. If we are any good at all, no one will need to remain dependent on us. We love the freedom of repeat customers who are now interdependent.


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