Project Lead The Way

One of the practices we believe in here at AltaSim Technologies is continued education. Thanks to some good people at Thomas Worthington High School in Worthington, Ohio, we had a chance to go back to school repeatedly over the last 2 years. Well, actually “school” showed up at our door when several students contacted us about a project they were working on through PLTW – Project Lead the Way. PLTW is considered Ohio’s Premier STEM Program, and both the high schools and middle schools in Worthington School District take this program seriously.

“As students enter our capstone course their senior year, they must find real world experts to help them solve real world problems. This is where AltaSim comes in. AltaSim has been very helpful and accommodating. They approached our students with dignity and respect. It was great how they walked us through a design process with little assignments the students needed to complete along the way.” (Bryan Brown, PLTW Instructor at Thomas Worthington HS)

Helping these committed students think through their project was a great reminder that tomorrow’s product innovators and technology leaders are with us today. Not only did these young people think of how to create and build a “step ladder for the elderly,” but they also demonstrated their ability (& willingness) to think outside of themselves for the good of others. It is our belief that we found some of tomorrow’s industry leaders.

We can all learn from the example that the students of Thomas Worthington High School have shown us. While it was a real honor for us to be involved with these students, it is not our belief that we were “giving back” but rather “giving forward.” Per our Mission Statement: “We harness tomorrow’s technology to enable our customers to capture today’s markets.” Embedded in this statement is a commitment to:

  1. Provide lasting value to our customers
  2. Apply technology to enhance the capabilities of our customers
  3. Continue to make an ongoing technical contribution to society

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