Ohio Supercomputer Brings Better, Stronger, Faster… Simulations!

154,000,000,000,000 Reasons


Back in July, we posted a Blog announcing Third Frontier Commission Invests in Ohio Businesses. Just recently, Douglas J. Guth in HiVelocity Magazine highlighted 154 Trillion reasons why. His article is a must read, especially for those Ohio businesses who have felt like they were part of the “missing middle.”



Read the full article… “Ohio’s supercomputer: 154 trillion calculations per second”    http://tinyurl.com/qhrdrpy



AltaSim Technologies is once again honored and humbled to appear in the article. We have worked with National Digital Engineering and Manufacturing Consortium (NDEMC) to show how supercomputer access can dramatically improve product design capabilities, in our case specifically in the area of design for cooling of electronic devices and circuits. While this work builds on our 20+ years of experience using HPC to analyze Multiphysics problems, the real win is for small and middle market companies to access applications that would otherwise be inaccessible. These applications will help them solve specific classes of problems using HPC capabilities at Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) without having to purchase or maintain computer power that most small and middle market companies cannot afford. In the near future, companies harnessing the power of the Internet can simulate real-world product testing quickly and accurately bringing new technologies to market at an accelerated pace.



We believe there are many companies with talented people who will be innovating faster than ever, harnessing tomorrow’s technology and capturing today’s markets is part of the equation to help them be successful.

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