Third Frontier Commission Boosts Ohio Businesses

Third Frontier Commission Invests in Ohio Businesses

Imagine attaching a “booster” to your business, and then imagine the possibilities for growth and expansion. Well, that’s just what the Ohio Third Frontier Commission recently did for Ohio businesses. We believe the following statement pulled from the linked article really says it all:


“Many large manufacturers have embraced simulation-driven design to achieve a degree of market advantage. Simulation-driven design replaces physical product prototyping with less expensive computer simulations, reducing the time to take products to market, while improving quality and cutting costs,” said Pankaj Shah, Executive Director of OSC and OARnet. “Smaller manufacturers largely are missing out on this advantage, because they cannot afford to leverage such solutions. IntelSim offers a sustainable competitive advantage with a significantly lower cost than traditional technologies, demonstrated digital tool kits and built-up capabilities.”


See the full article here:


We are very excited and humbled to play a role in this with all the others – The Ohio Supercomputer Center, Procter & Gamble, Intel, Nimbis Services, TotalSim USA, and Kinetic Vision. Both Luke Gritter,  Research Engineer,  and Sergei Yushanov, Ph.D., Senior Engineer, will be leading the efforts for AltaSim. All of us believe this is just another example of really talented people bringing really great solutions to the people who can really benefit.


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