Communication Satellites

AltaSim Technologies guides engineers through multiphysics simulations so they can bring their products to market more rapidly, at a lower cost, and with an optimized design. To help see how working with AltaSim impacts our clients, we have put together a brief case study of how our simulation experts provided a unique solution in a recent project.


A client of AltaSim’s designs and manufactures products that are used in communication satellites. Product failures in space can be catastrophic. Thus, our client must be able to engineer their satellites to perform with the highest level of reliability and consistency due to the harsh thermal conditions. Our client uses COMSOL Multiphysics to assess the heat transfer and thermomechanical conditions for their products. Our client’s engineers are new to COMSOL Multiphysics and lacked full confidence in their simulation results.


Our client came to AltaSim for our extensive expertise in developing heat transfer and thermomechanical simulations in COMSOL Multiphysics. Our client provided their simulation files, and AltaSim provided a top-down review of all aspects of the simulation. AltaSim modified aspects of our client’s simulation and added advanced features of which our client was unaware. In addition, AltaSim parameterized design variables in the simulations to enable our client to rapidly determine the effects of these design parameters on product performance.


Through working with AltaSim, our client was able to extend the capabilities of their simulations and gain confidence in the results. In addition, they were able to understand their design envelope rapidly through parametric sweeps. For less than $15,000, our client was able to have confidence in their simulations and develop designs with the highest reliability and consistency.

In addition to solving complex engineering challenges for our clients, AltaSim also trains engineers to develop simulations that answer their challenges. For more information on our classes visit our calendar.

We limit our classes to eight (8) students to maximize the attention each student receives. This limit causes our classes to fill up quickly. Our next available class for Heat Transfer using COMSOL Multiphysics will be in September. To learn more about this course, click here.

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August 2022 Case Study
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