Breaking Traditions: COMSOL & SpaceClaim

Did you see the ad in COMSOL NEWS? The last two years COMSOL Multiphysics® (V 4.2 & 4.3) has included a Live Link™ for SpaceClaim®. This makes perfect sense to us.

We were standing at the COMSOL Conference 2011 in Boston minding our own business when Bjorn, Bernt & Phil from COMSOL came up and said, “You really need to meet these guys from SpaceClaim.” So we did. Let’s just say that the Live Link™ in the software is second only to the live link we made at the conference. We have discovered some really wonderful people in both organizations.

And when you put really wonderful people together with really powerful tools, an entire industry can be impacted. We believe that by using a combination of COMSOL Multiphysics® & SpaceClaim® in our Multiphysics (which we are doing more and more all the time),  we can break some traditions that need to be broken, and expedite the process of getting valuable solutions to market. If we were to sketch it out on a napkin, it may look a little like the pict

ure below:



Do you have an opinion on this? We’d love to hear your thoughts.


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