Training – Do You YouTube?

Training – Do You YouTube?


Experts agree… more than 1 Billion unique users visit YouTube each month. YouTube reached the 1 Billion videos served mark back in 2009. In 2011, there were an estimated 1 trillion total YouTube views. There are now about 6 Billion hours of video watched each month and about 100 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute. So there’s a good chance you are using YouTube as well, maybe for entertainment or information or even “expert” opinion through videos, tutorials and lectures.


If you go there for your training do you trust all the “experts” who easily flash stuff up and get paid by Google when people click on the rolling ads along the side? How do you determine who has real expertise to convey and who doesn’t? We highly encourage you to develop a “YouTube Criteria for Really Good Training” before relying on all the Training related videos that are available


We all know that YouTube is really good at what it does– in fact it is a complete game changer – but we also recognize that it does have limitations, and some of those relate to training as there are aspects that leave “trainees” short in certain areas. The question that each individual has to answer is “How good do I want to be?” Let’s pretend you want to get really good, like Olympic Athlete good, at Multiphysics Computational Analysis. You can search YouTube for that and perhaps learn enough to get started. You can make use of online communities for advice and yet, when you get stuck and the videos only take you so far what do you do? Where do you turn for help? At this point top performers, the Olympic athletes of the Multiphysics Computational Analysis world, would recognize that you need to find an expert and coach to help you past your roadblock. Through their own experience and that of their circle of coaches and advisors they can suggest alternative approaches, challenge you to look at things differently and allow you to expand your capabilities.


Yes, there are just as many Do-it-Yourselfers (DIYers) in our industry as there are in other industries. What do DIYers do when they get stuck? If they are Olympic caliber, they do not quit; they go find help. Our encouragement in light of YouTube is to utilize YouTube as much as you can and care to while having the support network of a real, live human training person (coach) you can turn to when you get stuck… or better yet, before you get struck. Remember, even the Olympic Athlete trains on his or her own quite often, but they also touch base on aregular schedule with a coach… a real, live, human coach.


Do you want to be an Olympic caliber Multiphysics Computational Analyst?  Take a look at our course offerings.



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