Solver Settings Class Wrap Up

Solver Settings Class Wrap Up


We held another Solver Settings Class recently, the second time we have offered this class via the Web. Offering web-based classes is something we have started to do recently, and based on the feedback we received, something we will do more and more of moving forward. Josh Thomas was our lead instructor for this class, and as you can see from the feedback highlighted below, participants left well-equipped for Advanced COMSOL Analysis.


Here’s what a couple students had to say:


“This has been an excellent class, well designed and well delivered.  The most critical aspects have been Josh’s extensive description of the study-node structure, and how the solvers operate on different levels. The COMSOL classes really obscure this by distinguishing the iterative solver only from the direct solver.  I see now how iteration can occur on any of at least 3 different levels and only in this class have those levels become plain to me.  In addition, this class has helped me interpret information that the COMSOL gui presents in a confusing way, especially in cases where there are partial solutions at numerous substeps.  At my job, I will use what I’ve learned immediately.” (Thomas Dreeben, Staff Scientist at Osram Sylvania)


“Really want to thank you for offering this course.  It probably saved me more than 6 months to a year of time trying to figure out just the solver node.  I am thinking to take the 4 day training just to re-enforce my experience with COMSOL.  Hopefully I can get someone to sponsor me here.  Will let you know if I do.” (Chung M. Wong, Ph.D., Member of Technical Staff, Contamination Group, Space Materials Laboratory, The Aerospace Corporation)


“I really appreciate your kind help and information about this class. It is a very good and informative class. Josh did a really great job and that quite helps me using COMSOL in future.” YUECUN LOU (Terry), Graduate Assistant (Ph.D), University of Toledo, Chemical & Environmental Engineering


Doing any advanced COMSOL analysis can quickly push the limitations of hardware due to the amount of RAM it requires and the time it takes to process. Since we utilize COMSOL everyday, we completely understand these issues. This Solver Settings class is specifically geared towards these challenges – it helps you run COMSOL within the existing boundaries of your hardware. The web-based version, spread out over three days, actually gives participants more time to work through course material than our one-day, in-person class does. Driven by our desire to see more and more people master COMSOL, we will continue to explore ways we can offer practical classes. Now we know for sure web-based classes work well.

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