Customized Multiphysics Apps

Simulation Apps

We develop custom applications and present difficult simulations in an easy to use interface. Integration of computational simulations into any product or technology development cycle provides advantages in the critical areas of product launch date, cost of development and product quality. With modeling and simulation apps there remains a significant opportunity to gain insight through more actionable computational simulations to make better design refinements in near real-time.

Simulation Apps can capture expert knowledge and present it in a way that it is easily and readily accessible for use by a wider group of scientists and engineers to make informed decisions. Even those not trained in simulations can run them with less frustration and apps are a more affordable option to costly prototyping or physical testing. Maintain or gain market share by using our apps to make better products and get to market faster by optimizing designs faster with less iteration.

To enable more effective exploitation of Simulation Apps, AltaSim Technologies has developed Simulation Apps for specific company use as well as a suite of products covering a wide range of physical phenomena for general use by scientists and engineers. This has allowed a wide range of personnel to take advantage of the results of computational simulations to advance their products and technology.

AltaSim’s Simulation Apps available for general use are:

Modeling and Simulation


For more information on these simulation apps, please contact us.

HeatSinkSim Logo

HeatSinkSIM: Optimizes the design of a vertically oriented, plate fin heat sink operating dissipating heat from power electronic components due to natural convection.

QuenchSim Logo

QuenchSIM: Predicts the time dependent heat transfer due to convection, conduction and radiation for a component quenched with forced air cooling.

AMThermSim Logo

AMThermSIM: Performs thermal analysis of the Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing process.

AcousticSim Logo

AcousticSIM: Analyzes the acoustic response of rooms containing user defined acoustic panels.

BeamSim Logo

BeamSIM: Predicts the static and dynamic behavior of a beam with user defined size and loading.

BolometerSim Logo

BolometerSIM: Solves the thermo-electric problem of an infra-red bolometer device due to incident radiation.

ECFlowSim Logo

ECFlowSIM: Analyzes the thermal dissipation of electronic components attached heat sink and subject to forced air flow.

EMMirrorSim Logo

EMMirrorSIM: Analyzes the response of a dielectric mirror consisting of a number of identical dielectric bi-layers with high and low refractive indices.

MieSim Logo

MieSIM: Solves Maxwell’s equations for scattering of electromagnetic radiation by spherical dielectric particles.

MWaveSim Logo

μWaveSIM: Predicts heating due to exposure to an electromagnetic field inside a cavity containing a single waveguide.

PeltierSim Logo

PeltierSIM: Simulates the thermo-electric behavior due to Seebeck, Peltier and Thomson effects.

SPRSim Logo

SPRSIM: Simulates the behavior of surface plasmons propagating at the interface between two materials for the Kretschmann-Raether and Otto configurations.

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