Services Overview

AltaSim Technologies guides engineers through Multiphysics simulation projects with less frustration and more confidence in their results, so that they can bring their products to market more rapidly, at lower costs and with optimized designs.


Simulation & Analysis

Our simulation and analysis expertise is used in product design, manufacturing processes, and failure analysis, and always includes validation and verification. Learn more>>

COMSOL analysis of flow

Consulting Services

Our consulting work supports the development and implementation of real-world solutions that are cost-effective, efficient and practical. AltaSim consultants have demonstrated savings for new technology and product development of up to 90% of the time and simultaneously 50% of the cost. Learn more>>

Modeling and Simulation

Custom Multiphysics Apps

Simulation Apps can capture expert knowledge and present it in a way that is easily and readily accessible for use by a wider group of scientists and engineers to make informed decisions. AltaSim develops custom applications, presenting difficult simulations in an easy-to-use interface.
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Outsourced Engineering

AltaSim is the right engineering partner, because we meet you where you are, providing a range of guidance and capabilities to suit your needs now and into the future. We collaborate with and contribute to the work of engineering firms in several ways. Learn more>>

No matter the project, we work to meet you where you are.


We know your simulation needs are ever-evolving and we're ready to meet you where you are.

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