1. What is S3?
  2. What does S3 stand for?
  3. What makes S3 unique?
  4. How do I know if S3 is right for me?
  5. How will S3 benefit me?
  6. In what areas have you applied S3?
  7. How can S3 be applied to my situation?
  8. What is my role in S3?
  9. Who else in my organization needs to be involved in S3?
  10. What type of reporting is offered in S3?
  11. What software does S3 utilize? Will I need to acquire that software?
  12. How long does it take to complete S3?
  13. What is the cost of S3?
  14. How will I know if S3 is successful?
  15. How can I find out more about S3?


    1. What is S3?
      S3 is a proprietary, enabling process that allows AltaSim Technologies to identify problem(s), develop solutions, and provide the customer with tools to sustain the desired results.


    1. What does S3 stand for?


    1. What makes S3 unique?
      S3 is a customer focused process that blends multifunctional tools, extensive engineering knowledge, and advanced computational analysis to solve real world problems. It is unique in that it transfers capability to our customers and keeps on working long after the immediate problem(s) has been resolved.


    1. How do I know if S3 is right for me?
      The same way you would know that you are purchasing the right automobile – take it for a test drive. Ask for a demo so you can see for yourself the effectiveness of the S3 process and the professionalism and responsiveness of our team of engineers.


    1. How will S3 benefit me?
      At AltaSim we define benefits as the fulfillment of our customer’s needs. Whether your primary need is for immediate, deadline driven results, or for longer term, effective solutions, S3 will be customized to meet your needs.


    1. In what areas have you applied S3?
      S3 has been applied to a broad range of real world problems, including support for the successful development and commercial implementation of innovative products and technology. Successful resolution of on-going problems has been achieved in a variety of industries including petrochemical, medical products, automotive, shipbuilding, and primary metals.


    1. How can S3 be applied to my situation?
      Take the first step and share your problem/need with the AltaSim team and allow us to walk you through the process. Depending on the scope, this may lead to development of a customized package that will meet your needs and provide the tools for continuing application and sustained growth.


    1. What is my role in S3?
      You are the managing partner in the process. AltaSim exists to support you and help you leverage our assets to accomplish your goals.


    1. Who else in my organization needs to be involved in S3?
      You will determine the stakeholders and their level of involvement. The process is outcome focused, so whoever has a contribution to make is a valuable resource.


    1. What type of reporting is offered in S3?
      Regular customer interactions focused on progress as measured by the achievement of clearly defined milestones and outcomes that are designed to meet or exceed your internal needs.


    1. What software does S3 utilize? Will I need to acquire that software?
      COMSOL, ABAQUS, LS-DYNA, Solidworks, and MATLAB are some examples of the tools available to you when you harness S3. The choice to invest in your own software or leverage our capability is up to you and will depend on the outcomes you define. We will be there to help you weigh your options and complete the cost/benefit analysis.


    1. How long does it take to complete S3?
      Study and Simulate are a function of Solve. The scope and complexity of the required solution will determine the time required to identify the root causes, isolate the critical parameters, and develop cross disciplinary/multifunction solutions that provide sustained benefit.


    1. What is the cost of S3?
      A better question is – what is the cost of not leveraging S3 technology to identify a permanent, effective solution to my problem? The level of your investment will be based on the resources you require. Our commitment is that you will know the level of investment before you take the first step in the process.


    1. How will I know if S3 is successful?
      You will have no doubts on this one, because it is one of four key questions we ask before moving forward on any project: (1) What is the desired outcome(s)? (2) What is the current reality? (3) What actions/steps are required? (4) How will we know when we are successful? Objective, quantifiable indicators of accomplishment of the desired outcome(s) will be put in place during the “study” phase.


  1. How can I find out more about S3?
    Contact us, review the case studies, white papers, and journal articles provided or referenced, and by all means check our references.
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