Thank you for taking your time to register for our web-based Multiphysics Solutions using COMSOL Multiphysics course. If you are prepared to pay for the class at this time, then please click on the Add to Cart button for each of the sessions you are planning on attending. You can process payment without having a PayPal account by clicking the button labeled “Pay with Credit or Debit Card” on the page to which the Buy Now button transfers you.
You will receive an email with additional course information that will provide a link to process payment if you would prefer to pay later. If you do not receive the confirmation email, or if you’d prefer to process your payment over the phone, then please call Lynne Smith at 614-861-7015 x10.
Session 1: Introduction to FEA and COMSOL
Session 2: Introduction to Modeling in COMSOL (Required)
Session 3: Creating Geometry in COMSOL
Session 4: Setting up Physics in COMSOL
Session 5: Building Custom Meshes in COMSOL
Session 6: Working with the Study Node in COMSOL
Session 7: Use the Results Node to Post-Process in COMSOL