Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations

AltaSim Technologies guides engineers through multiphysics simulations so they can bring their products to market more rapidly, at a lower cost and with an optimized design.  To help see how working with AltaSim impacts our clients, we have put together a brief case study of how our simulation experts provided a unique solution in a recent project.


One of AltaSim's recent clients is designing a hydraulic actuator pumping system.  The system has many moving parts and the flow depends on the interaction and deformation of these parts.  They were taking 6-8 weeks to develop and test a physical prototype.  In addition they were unclear about which variables were primary and which were secondary.  They had a small team of engineers that occasionally conducted simulations for stress.  However, they did not have any experience in simulating fluid-structure interactions.


Our client leveraged AltaSim's extensive expertise to develop simulations of their pumping system that included the fluid-structure interaction.  Key design variables were parameterized to enable straightforward modifications of the design.  This approach created an accurate simulation of a complex, multiphysics product design.  In addition, the simulation could be used to assess design variables and quantify the primary variables.


The results developed from these simulations enabled our client to a create a new design concept.  The simulation process included running simulations while varying a single design parameter.  AltaSim assessed multiple design variables and identified the variables that impacted the key performance metric for the design.  Once the effects of each design variable were understood, a new design concept was virtually tested within one (1) week.  They were able to move to physical prototyping with confidence that the new design would perform as desired.

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