COMSOL Conference and 5.2

COMSOL Conference and 5.2

Better Than Ever

It has taken us some time to share about this year’s COMSOL Conference because we have been thinking of just the right word to describe it. The problem is that there is too much to describe, and we know we cannot describe it as indescribable… so we waited. And we waited. And now after more than two months have passed with numerous opportunities to employ the information shared at the Conference we understood just what to share. Better Than Ever! Better than ever, for sure. As advancements are made each year, the training sessions have greater impact, industry experts share more state-of-the-art solutions, and innovative research shared from peers brings more clarity… which allows for further advancements. If you ask us… COMSOL Conference 2015 and 5.2 was Better Than Ever.


Even the folks at got in on the action. In an article posted on October 23, 2015, Shawn Wasserman discusses several key components of COMSOL 5.2 He appropriately titles his article… “What would engineers want to know about COMSOL 5.2?”


Three Highlights in the article answer Shawn’s question.


  • Application Builder Efficiency Boost
  • COMSOL Server and Improved User Licensing Experience
  • User Defined Non-Linear Materials


On the topic of User Defined Non-Linear Materials, our very own Jeffrey Crompton was quoted as saying…“One of the main things that will help us is the ability to put in our own material properties. This will help with structural mechanics and magnetic materials that have hysteresis we couldn’t take into account before, so our results will be a lot more accurate.”


An article like this goes hand in hand with the overall COMSOL Conference experience. Because of what we see taking place at the COMSOL Conference and the progress users will make throughout the year with the release of COMSOL 5.2, we see great advances and powerful solutions made available to more and more engineers all the time, especially with the easier user experience to convert multiphysics models into simulations apps.


You can read the full article here.

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